
 BabyFruit Ticker

pregnant photo ideas...

so we were thinking about getting pictures taken together before Cole is born.

somehow rich came across this blog today with some very interesting pregnant couple pictures!  none that we are planning on copying though! 

they are taken from the pregnant chicken blog.  the comments under them, as usual, make them even funnier!

"Karen, seeing as you're pregnant, let's put you at the top of the family photo where the air is thinner. Karen? Karen?!?!"

I can appreciate what they were trying to do here but if your Christmas photo looks like it should have a "becka, becka, bow wow" soundtrack playing in the background, then you may want to reconsider the card.

I can't decide whether I like the garbage bag dress, the swamp or his black socks in the water better.

"That's it, Steve. A little further back, a little further. Now crouch down. Perfect!" I think the ex-boyfriend may have been the photographer in this one.

This reminds me of a picnic. A good idea in theory but an uncomfortable mess in practice.

Words can't describe this photo. Oh wait a minute, they can!

Okay, part of me doesn't have a problem with this photo but the toe shoes are the real kicker. Ha kicker!

"It's going to be a good year, Laura. A very Goodyear indeed."

At first I thought "Nothing symbolizes maternity better than a watermelon and a gun" and then I thought "Actually, nothing *does* symbolize maternity better than a watermelon and a gun". Bravo Mad'am.

Like the previous Christmas card, if it looks skeezy when nobody is pregnant, then a baby bump ain't saving it so don't do it. A helpful holiday tip we can all tuck in our pockets.

"If I'm holding the baby then why do I still feel fat?"

Why do I feel like this woman was talked into this? I could see her thinking, "I'm just too tired to argue plus the kids won't be able to take off because hockey equipment will slow them down and I'll hold their heads. I'm sure it will look fine."

theres a few more on there that werent very PG, but funny...check them out here.

have a great day!

~ Christina ~

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh these are hilarious!!!! LOL!! So glad you aren't going to copy any of these! LOL!! Congrats on your new bundle! So exciting! Last year at this time I was 6 months pregnant! Enjoy it cause as everyone says, It all goes by way too quickly. Now I sit and watch my almost 9 month old crawl everywhere and she is starting to pull herself up to things! :( So enjoy!
